Pictures, video, and routes from the best place a motorcycle can be.
Every year a large group of experienced motorcycle riders head down to Northern California (Redding) to ride what we consider the best roads! Since our laws and roads here in British Columbia prevent us from having any fun we spend our hard earned money down where motorcyclists are welcome. We do day rides through as many of the great roads we can hit up. Maybe even a track day too! Enjoy the pics and videos and send me a message if you want to know more or we met you along the way.
Day 1 – Hwy 36 & 299 –
Day 2 – Oroville to Quincy. FANTASTIC! The race track in the sky. No traffic just sport bikes.
Day 2 – Greenville to Oroville. Brand new pavement… perfect sweepers…banked… Just HEAVEN.
Day 3 – Hwy 3 and Cecilville – THE BEST ROAD IN NORCAL –
Day 4 – Thunderhill Raceway! (Thunder Hill Raceway Park –
Day 5 – Portland, Vernonia, Washington Westcoast, Port Townsend, and home. Nothing techincal but smooth the whole way home.
coming soon…
Camera 1
Camera 2 (on bike pictures)