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Last Big Ride for ’07 season. The weather is better down south! | RideFAR
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Last Big Ride for ’07 season. The weather is better down south!
After trying to get something going on BCSB, I gave up! After about 10 days of recruiting I had one confirmed rider and lots of maybes. Typical! When the rubber hit the road at 700am Saturday morning, I had two riders. I only needed one but the more the better. We headed to the Peace […]
After trying to get something going on BCSB, I gave up! After about 10 days of recruiting I had one confirmed rider and lots of maybes. Typical! When the rubber hit the road at 700am Saturday morning, I had two riders. I only needed one but the more the better. We headed to the Peace […]

After trying to get something going on BCSB, I gave up! After about 10 days of recruiting I had one confirmed rider and lots of maybes. Typical! When the rubber hit the road at 700am Saturday morning, I had two riders. I only needed one but the more the better.

We headed to the Peace Arch border and were greeted with two hour plus waits. We went over truck crossing and the same thing! I am pretty good with border lineups so I made a couple creative maneuvers and some help by some friendly duty free workers and we were through the border in no less than 30min. We were well on our way and the day was beautiful! By the time we reached the cascades it was a nice warm 22 degrees. There was quite a bit of traffic but we had lots of opportunities to take advantage of the great road. We headed south down through Twisp, Chelan, and then to Wenatchee. We only rode about 475kms so we had lots of time to spend at the pool, drinking Gin & Tonics, solving the world problems, etc…
The next day we headed east along the #2 highway and wow! What scenery. As we moved along it was just getting better. The highway between Coulee City and Coulee Dam is AMAZING. I have to let the pictures do the explaining here. Once we reached Nespelem, it was time for the technical and the twisty roads. Moving East to Inchelium. The last half was a bit rough but it was still a blast. Heading north we moved along the river and headed east at Kettle Falls. Hwy 20 was just recently repaved. It was so recent that the road construction signs were not even down. Another great road. We stopped for a much needed break in Republic. We parked the bikes along side restaurant/grocery store/gas station and talked about the great roads and scenery. Then out of nowhere this girl arrives on a horse (riding bareback), ties the horse up beside our bikes and goes in to buy some stuff. Jamie and I head outside to check out the horse and take a few pics. The rider comes out and obviously sees our interest and strikes up a conversation with a real down south accent. She immediately picks up on the fact that we are ‘non’ from around here’ and introduces herself and Jody Cate with a C-A-T-E and don’ you forget it. She jumps onto her horse, we pass her the Coors lite she just bought and rides her horse off into the sunset. I love these random events that happen on rides! We headed north and crossed the border at Danville (near Grand Forks). We had a two car line up to deal with and the friendliest border guard I have ever met. We stopped in Midway for the night. Another relatively short day at 450kms, but the best thing about it was the lack of traffic! Never really have to deal with slow RV’s, lines of cars, or buses. Since there was still plently of the day left we went for a walk through the small town of Midway and came across a pub/house. We went in and then through a living room to someone’s backyard? There were a few local rednecks and some live entertainment provided by Woody Axelrod. We sat down and enjoyed some George Thorogood and Buddy Holly tunes. I now can’t get the song Oh Boy! out of my head.
Today was going to be the long haul home (775kms). I had a really roundabout way of getting home and Jamie would have none of it! Monica was up for it so we headed north through rock creek and up the #33. It was still pretty cold so we kept the speed down. In Kelowna we visited the PRSmechanic and his new place in Kelowna. When you see Bernie next make sure to ask him about his crawlspace, if you are claustrophobic then don’t ask!  Next up was Westside road and West along the 97. This is where we hit the traffic rush home. It was busy so we just remained calm until we arrived at one of the ‘motorcycling zen of highways’ that is the 5A. Needless to say there were very few cars in our way which allowed us to make [I]VERY[/I] good time right down to Princeton. Once on the Princeton to Hope hwy we were back to the traffic rush home. It was still ok; we both had a good time along it. The several radar traps near the end of the highway never saw us a kilometer over the speed limit thanks to the friendly travelers heading the other way. Opting for highway #7 home it was surely much better than highway #1. As we reached Maple Ridge the rains came… How appropriate, we spend all weekend in the nice sunny weather and as we reach Vancouver the rains start! Story of the 2007 riding season! We made it home soaked but thrilled to have such a great weekend. Just over 1700kms total.
I see no chance of doing a ride better than this one this year and my social calendar is already being filled up with weddings, birthdays, stags etc. I am going to put the bike away plan an even better 2008 riding season.


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